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Am I propagandable?

I can't imagine I'm that much fundamentally different than others and I regularly am trying to find patterns or fundamental truths in life. Obviously there must be some pattern or action that successful people take to reach their success. There must be a formula for creating a business or a viral video, popular brand, pop content. Maybe if I research enough of other successes I could determine the hidden truth or formula. Maybe I could even strip it of  its waste or inefficient and I could do it even faster or easier.

The more I think about this the more I think its flawed at best and completely untrue at worst. This is disturbing to me as would prefer a defined answer that is simply yet unknown, than complete randomness or chance. I do however think that's why religions and self help speakers etc. can be so successful and intoxicating. They provide the idea of there being a truth, a formula. People crave this. I crave this. I can be led, propagandized, bamboozled, lied to, etc if I don't continue to challenge the one answer philosophy. The underlying formula principle.

At the same time I feel like I won't ever stop looking for patterns or it would just be to depressing otherwise. There has to be something meaningful to learn and succeed by.


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